“It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get back”
~ DPGA’s Annual Sports Saga
Saturday, 10th December, 2022
At DPGA, the body’s physical development is as substantial as the academic enhancement of the mind. An exhibition of this declaration is the annual sports day that has become a legacy to herald the vigour and sportsmanship showcased by every student on the playing field. This year was exhilarating and vibrant.
The day kicked off with a bang as the ground was taken over by the school spirit exhibited by the four colours of the houses that gathered with their troops. They were all set to put their best foot forward in the final showdown (for seniors, at least) before the school championship trophy was awarded. First up, were the races that may have been mere meters but appeared to stretch out forever with the suspense building in the air as the aroma of both victory and failure infused the crowd.
Up next was conceivably the most challenging event of the day, the new arrival, “Survival of the fittest” and it indeed was that. However, the strength demonstrated by both boys and girls from all houses was commendable as they all put in their best exertions despite the majority being first-timers to such undertakings. But alas, there can be only one winner and Topaz happened to be the one to bag the win in the boys whereas, Sapphire emerged victorious in the girls.
The three-legged races and water relay were particularly comical as the stumbling, nervous, and joyful manner they were taken up made them crowd-pleasers. The atmosphere remained tense as the points kept being added to the scoreboard and some houses were distinguishing themselves with wins, while others were falling behind.
At last, came to the showstopper as the audience held on to their hearts and gripped the edges of their seats as the tug-of-war finals came to a head. It was result time for some whereas, it was a chance to catch up and make slight changes in positioning for the rest. Sapphire ended up claiming the triumph in girls whereas Topaz did the same in boys, ending the day on a high note in first place with a massive point difference.
The medals distributed to all students seemed to lighten the dampened spirits of those whose houses had lost. Success and failure are only parts of life and will keep coming and going but enthusiastic participation and tremendous hard work by everyone are the timeless memories of this day that all of us will carry forth. The selfless encouragement and appreciation by teachers were commendable. Our principal, Mr. Prakash Nair, was undoubtedly boosting the morale of students throughout the day which was a sight to behold. Mr. Sundeep Sharma kept the audience alive with his cheerful commentary.
With that, it is unassailable to say that “it is your response to winning or losing that makes you a winner or a loser.” Gladly, the energy that was lasting on the ground was optimistic as the students good-naturedly congratulated each other and applauded the tough fight they put up against each other in a healthy competitive spirit.
Author: Tanvi Agarwal,
IBDP 1 – Editor-In-Chief