Ati ka bhala na barasna, ati ki bhali na dhoop… Sant Kabirdas had proclaimed many seasons ago!
Pancha Mahabhuta – A dance drama presented by the students from the secondary section of Dr. Pillai Global Academy, New Panvel, sought to reinforce the wisdom of the truism – ‘santulan mein hi jeevan hai’!
The performance began with expertly choreographed scintillating dances. The five elements – Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Space were introduced one by one and their characteristic qualities were described through elegant and graceful or intense and forceful dance moves until finally, all elements came together, and in their union gave birth to life itself. The scene was beautifully depicted with the help of artistic props, light effects, make-up and costumes.
The story of life continued from here through different genres of theatre namely mime, skit and street-play scripted by students and teachers together.
Students of grades 6–8 portrayed, through an eloquent mime-act, the heartless cutting down of trees and thoughtless releasing of pollutants and chemicals into the air by man through his vehicles, industries and tobacco smoking.
Students from grades 9-12 brought to life, through their brilliant acting skills, the issues surrounding wastage of water. This was showcased poignantly through two contrasting scenes; one a typical city household where taps are left running recklessly and the other, a farmer’s debt-ridden existence made worse through inadequate rain. The subsequent street-play forecast the grim possibility of a third world war breaking out due to acute shortage of water!
Fortunately, the situation is not left to deteriorate to such an extent; life intervened and asked the enraged five elements for forgiveness. The elements obliged and the dance drama ended with a promise from the now remorseful man that from this day onwards, he would treat nature and his environment with due respect and care.
This pledge was beautifully demonstrated through the lighting up of a torch-light by all the students, teachers and parents attending the Annual Day celebrations. Tiny beacons of light shimmered as though hundreds of twinkling stars had descended upon the grounds of Dr. Pillai Global Academy that evening.