The Annual Day at Dr Pillai Global Academy, New Panvel was celebrated on 18th December, 2015 in the school campus. The function commenced with the traditional lighting of the lamp and a melodious Welcome Song orchestrated and presented by the students and teachers of the school. The students of Grades 1-5 presented a theatrical adaptation of the famous poem, The Pied Piper of Hamelin, by Robert Browning.
As the piper stepped into the street and played the notes from his pipe, he enchanted and enthralled the audience as they swayed from side to side and tapped their feet as though they were carried away by the magic in his tunes.
The performance that conveyed a valuable message of keeping one’s promise was a visual treat to the audience as it transported them to Hamelin, a small town in Germany where the story is set. The exquisite songs sung by the chorus, the mesmerizing dances and the proficient drama presented by the students won incessant applause from the audience. This wonderful blend of dance, drama and music comprised of all 183 children of the CIPP section.
The artistic and brilliant props prepared by the students and teachers of the Art department created an apt background and setting for the play.
The programme was a cumulative effort of an effervescent team of vibrant, talented and competent teachers who worked tirelessly to make the show a grand success.