DPGA, Sector-7, Khanda Colony, New Panvel | Office - 9819283027 | Admission Enquiries - 9324052707 | dpganewpanvel@mes.ac.in


Friendship Day was celebrated on 1st August by telling them the importance of friend. A ppt on the same was shown followed by tying friendship bands to their friends.
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Eid was celebrated on 28th July. A ppt presentation explaining the significance of the festival was shown. The children also prepared a cards for their parents.
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The 67th Independence Day was celebrated by Dr. Pillai Global Academy in a befitting manner. Apart from paying homage to the leaders who worked towards gaining independence, the students also paid their tribute to the tricolor. The Chief Guest of the day Mr. Subash Rajkumar, parent, hoisted the flag and spoke to the students about...
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Children’s Day Celebrations at D.P.G.A. Celebrating Childhood Children’s Day celebrations focus on nurturing children with love and affection so that they contribute towards the bright future of the country. At Dr. Pillai Global Academy, New Panvel, the day was celebrated on 14th November, 2013 with joy and enthusiasm. The day’s programme consisted of activities for...
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A special assembly was conducted to celebrate Onam on 17th September, 2013. The children were shown a small power point presentation and the importance of the festival was explained.
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It has been rightly said that grandparents are those with silver in their hair and gold in their hearts. The students of Dr. Pillai Global Academy, Panvel celebrated Grandparents Day on 14th September, 2013 as a mark of their affection and respect for their grandparents. The programme started with a prayer and a welcome song...
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Hindi Divas Day 2013 was celebrated on 14th September, 2013.
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The tiny tots of early years celebrated the grandparents’ day on 13th September, 2013. A small cultural programme was conducted during the assembly. The entire programme was conducted by the children under the supervision of the teachers. It concluded with tea and biscuits. Principal Mr. Derek Hamilton, Coordinators Mrs. Anjna Sahi and Mrs. Shraddha Sardesai...
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The Teachers’ Day was celebrated with enthusiasm at Dr. Pillai Global Academy, New Panvel on 4th September, 2013. The entire event was planned and put up by the students to make their teachers feel special. While the event was on, the Student Council team took the responsibility of handling the children of the school. On...
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Early Years Lower and Middle celebrated Colour Days in the Month of July. These days were celebrated to teach the different colours to the children. Different activities related to that particular colour were conducted and take-aways were given to the children. At the end of the month, all the three classes i.e. EYL, EYM and...
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