Mark Twain in his sardonic way remarked, “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.” Travel broadens our minds and teaches us new perspectives. The Students and Teachers of Dr. Pillai Global Academy, New Panvel decided to consciously cultivate international-mindedness and broaden their mental vistas by embarking on a trip to Europe in September, 2018....Read More
A team of excited nature enthusiasts from the teacher and student fraternity of Dr. Pillai Global Academy set out on a trail to Sanjay Gandhi National Park, on 8th September, 2018. Upon reaching the venue, we were greeted by the eminent naturalist and wildlife conservationist, Mr. Mayur Kamat. The rest of the trail took us...Read More
15th August, 2018 – A day of bringing alive the glorious achievements of Free India, a day to remember our past leaders and martyrs who willingly undertook sacrifices so that future Indian citizens can breathe the air of Freedom and Prosperity was celebrated with due solemnity and splendor at DPGA play-ground. At sharp 8.00 a.m.,...Read More
Tree Plantation Drive and Guided Meditation Session at Dr. Pillai Global Academy, New Panvel Saturday is a day when we yawn, get up late, potter around the house lazily, do things in a slow fashion and then feel bewildered when the day is gone before we even realize it and then wish we had spent...Read More