The students of Dr. Pillai Global Academy, New Panvel celebrated Navratri in a colourful Dandiya Ras Celebration on the 1st October, 2014 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the campus. The entire school community including students, parents and staff members participated in the festival in their traditional finery. The programme started with a speech by Mrs. Shameem Mulla, faculty member. The Music Department team consisting of Mr. Vivek Mhamunkar, Mr. Satish S. More and Mr. Shriniwas Oak along with school band enlivened the performance with vibrant music and lively scores. Happiness resonated in every move as students, parents and teachers danced together. Prizes were awarded to the best dressed dancers and the best performers. Apart from being a celebration of traditional splendour the occasion also strengthened the bond of love among the members of the school community.