DPGA, Sector-7, Khanda Colony, New Panvel | Office - 9819283027 | Admission Enquiries - 9324052707 | dpganewpanvel@mes.ac.in
DPGA > Early Years Field Trips > Early Years Field Day 2019-20

The much-awaited Annual Field Day was held on Saturday 7th December 2019, with great zeal, excitement and frolicsome atmosphere. The programme began with the Principal Ms. Shraddha Sardesai by declaring the Sports Day meet open followed by an outstanding dance performance by Early Year Upper students.

The programme was further continued with various games for different age groups of Early Years. The parents were very much thrilled and excited to see their little one’s performing various skills on the ground. There were also fun filled games arranged for the parents in which they participated with great enthusiasm. Later the students were rewarded with medals by Ms. Shraddha Sardesai and head gears by Ms. Prapti Paprani as a token of appreciation.

The zealous parents, gathered in large numbers, constantly applauded the enthusiastic munchkins; this sprayed on the field a riot of hues, vibrancy and radiance. The students were also served with refreshments.The programme was then concluded with a vote of thanks.