This year as India observes “Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav”, the 75th Independence Day was celebrated in the school auditorium at Dr. Pillai Global Academy, New Panvel with patriotic fervour and zest on 12th August, 2022. The event commenced with the school prayer invoking the blessings of the Almighty by the comperes Akshara Nair and Sanskruti Jage. The teacher’s choir regaled the ears of the audience with patriotic songs. Classical and Contemporary Medley dance performances energised the audience and infused in them a feeling of undying love for their country. Kaavya Aggarwal of IBDP1 articulated her vision of an IDEAL INDIA. Our Principal Ms. Shraddha Sardesai roused pride and patriotism in the students through her motivational speech. She reminded the students of the supreme sacrifice of the great martyrs and the unsung heroes of the nation. She also cautioned them of the impact of narratives and the responsibility of the youth in nation-building.
Mr. Prasun Lomjail of the PA department proposed the vote of thanks. The programme ended on a high note and left an indelible mark on the minds of the audience.